Naturaw Senior 500g is made from 100% british beef & chicken, this human-grade recipe is grain-free and vegetable-free, ensuring a wholesome meal packed with natural goodness. Less bone to help support seniors.
Human grade ingredients
100% British meat
Vet Approved
Grain free
vegetable Free
Nothing artificial
65% British Beef (Meat Chunks/Heart), 20% Organic British Chicken Carcass, 10% British Beef Offal (Liver/Kidney/Spleen), 5% British Lamb Trachea
Naturaw Senior 500g is made from 100% british beef & chicken, this human-grade recipe is grain-free and vegetable-free, ensuring a wholesome meal packed with natural goodness. Less bone to help support seniors.
Key Features
Human grade ingredients
100% British meat
Vet Approved
Grain free
vegetable Free
Nothing artificial
65% British Beef (Meat Chunks/Heart), 20% Organic British Chicken Carcass, 10% British Beef Offal (Liver/Kidney/Spleen), 5% British Lamb Trachea
Each pet is unique, but these are serving guidelines for your companion. All guidelines provided are general recommendations. Always refer to the product packaging for the most accurate and up-to-date information.